- Port dredging;
- Enviromental Dredging;
- River dredging;
- Embankment recostruction;
- Build and maintenance ports;
- Maintenance beaches and port area;
- Re-build infrastructure damaged by sea storms;
- Off-shore dredging for laying of marine pipeline;
- Pipe-line free span corrections;
- Pipeline free span corrections;
- Build new breakwater;
- Recharge and removing of old breakwater;
- Building of manufactured on the sea;
- Supply,pilling and removing sheet piling;
- Construction of infrastructure whith metal elements ;
- Assistance for laying marine pipeline;
- Assistance Oil & Gas.

e-Marine S.r.l.
P.iva/CF 01893640993
Via Mansueto n 2 int 1
Cap 16159 GENOVA